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The Gospel Project at Home: The People Complained

Read Scripture

Read all or parts of Numbers 16:1-3; 20:1-12; 21:4-9 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video below.

Preschool Bible Story Video

Elementary Bible Story Video


Talk About Scripture

In the early 1900s, there was no treatment for bacterial diseases that were killing millions of people. In 1928, Penicillin was accidentally discovered and found to be the treatment needed to save lives. It saved thousands of soldiers in World War II. Penicillin continues to be used as treatment for bacterial infections, and there is no way to count the number of lives saved by this medicine. 


It probably sounds strange for people to use mold as a medicine, but not as strange as how God brought healing through a bronze snake. The Israelites continued to grumble and complain, even after all God did for them. Finally, God had enough of their disobedience, so He sent judgement in the form of venomous snakes. Many of the people were bitten and died from the snakes.  


The Israelites knew they had sinned and deserved God’s judgement, but they pleaded with Him to remove the snakes. God told Moses to make a bronze snake and mount it to a pole. If anyone looked at the snake, they would recover from the venomous snake’s bite. God showed mercy to the Israelites by providing a way—as strange as it may sound—for them to be healed.  


We all deserve to be punished for sin, and the ultimate punishment is death. God shows us mercy in an unexpected way by sending His own Son to suffer and die for our sin. God offers us a way to be healed through the sacrifice of Jesus. Anyone who looks to Him for salvation will be saved. That’s the good news of the gospel!  


Like the Israelites, we sin when we complain and do not trust God. The Israelites faced death for their sin, but when they looked to the bronze snake they were healed. The consequence for our sin is also death, but when we look to Jesus and trust in Him, we will be saved.              


Pray: Lord, You are merciful and good. We thank You for sending Jesus to die in our place. Help us look to Him for our salvation and keep our eyes on Him as we live for Your glory. Amen.


Learn Scripture

Preschool Scripture Music Video

Elementary Scripture Music Video


Family Prayer

Mornings: Thank God for the mercy He has shown by providing doctors and medicine to us. How is sickness and death a consequence of sin? How are doctors and medicine a part of God’s goodness and grace to us?    

Evenings: Ask God to forgive the sins you committed today, and ask for His help to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus tomorrow. How can looking to Jesus help us obey Him?


Family Activities

For Fun: Visit the zoo and study the differences between venomous and non-venomous snakes. If you don’t have a zoo in your area, look up nature videos on the internet or check out books from your local library. Talk with kids about the fear and chaos that might have come when God sent the venomous snakes to the Israelite camp. Remind kids that God showed mercy by giving the people a way to be healed, and ultimately saved, from the punishment of their sin. He did the same for us through Jesus!

To Serve: Go around your family and ask each person to confess something they recently complained about. Then, have each family member turn that complaint into praise of thankfulness to God for what He has provided. For example, if you’ve complained about eating peas, you can praise God for providing food!

This is a resource provided by LifeWay. For more great resources, click here.

Cedar Heights Baptist Church

14510 Cedar Heights Road

North Little Rock, AR 72118

Phone: 501-851-2563

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Early Worship

9:30 AM: Ministry Groups

10:45 AM: Worship

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