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The Gospel Project at Home: Jesus is Our Greatest Gift

Read Scripture

Read all or parts of Luke 2:1-20 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video below.

Preschool Bible Story Video

Elementary Bible Story Video


Talk About Scripture

Think of a favorite gift you’ve received at Christmas. Maybe this gift was something you asked for, or maybe it was a complete surprise! The person who gave you the gift put in a lot of effort to make or purchase, wrap, and joyfully give this special item just to you! You only had to receive the gift to enjoy it   


God gave us the greatest gift ever when He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to the earth. We did nothing to deserve this generous gift, but because of God’s great love for us, He sent Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross for our sins. Jesus took our punishment because of His deep love for us. Three days later, Jesus came back to life. Jesus is stronger than sin and death! 


When we ask God to forgive our sin and choose to trust in Jesus, we are given another amazing gift: salvation and life with God forever.  


The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus, the promised Savior, came into the world to show us what God is like and to deliver us from sin and death.               


Pray: God, thank you for sending Jesus to live the perfect life, die on the cross, and rise again. Thank you for this amazing gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus. Amen.


Learn Scripture

Preschool Scripture Music Video

Elementary Scripture Music Video


Family Prayer

Mornings: Thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to tell others about the good news of Jesus today.        

Evenings: Talk about your day and praise God for the ways He took care of you. Discuss the challenging parts of your day and ask God for help and wisdom in how to love others well.  


Family Activities

For Fun: Gather a non-breakable nativity and hide the pieces around your house. Once all the pieces are found, open your Bible to Luke 2:1-20 and read the story of Jesus’ birth. As you read the story of Christ’s birth, encourage children to add pieces to the nativity and re-create the scene. Talk about how Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds may have felt when they heard the good news about Jesus being born.     

To Serve: Make Christmas cards for senior adults or those unable to leave their home for Christmas church services. As your child delivers the cards, encourage them to say, “Jesus is the greatest gift. Merry Christmas!”    

This is a resource provided by LifeWay. For more great resources, click here.

Cedar Heights Baptist Church

14510 Cedar Heights Road

North Little Rock, AR 72118

Phone: 501-851-2563

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Early Worship

9:30 AM: Ministry Groups

10:45 AM: Worship

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