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Supernaturally Active

By Pastor Chad

The Old Testament is replete with stories of God’s supernatural workings within His creation. The New Testament likewise has ample descriptions of amazing miracles and divine interaction in the lives of those who follow Christ. But those are stories of events that happened long ago. Does God still work actively within the world today? In other words, does He still perform miracles, heal the sick, give visions and dreams, distribute spiritual gifts, and take an active role within the comings and goings of His creation? 

As we approach this question, we must be careful to avoid two extremes. One extreme is the charismatic movement. This is referencing the charismatic emphasis that started in the early 20th century at the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California. The charismatic movement over-exaggerates and distorts the biblical understanding of spiritual gifts and supernatural working in the world today. For one, they misunderstand the biblical use of spiritual gifts listed in the New Testament and they attribute erratic, unscriptural actions to the working of the Holy Spirit. Such misunderstandings can be dangerous if charismatic leaders use faulty interpretations of Scripture to justify ungodly and twisted actions.   

In an effort to combat this misconstrued working of the supernatural, we must also avoid another extreme in the opposite direction. Though this is a very minority group in the Protestant evangelical world, it is no less unbiblical. As a push back to the charismatic chaos, there are some that claim God no longer performs miracles, healings, gives visions and dreams, or does anything supernatural within the physical world. Essentially, this is just functional materialism: God only works and moves in the spiritual realm. According to this idea, God no longer works supernaturally in the physical realm.

Both these variances must be avoided. We must walk that middle way. Scripture, in my opinion, provides a golden mean between these two extremes. God is active and working in the world today. He still does supernatural acts within the physical world. He still heals, gives visions and dreams (in certain situations), and miracles still happen. 

These supernatural activities–especially when done through the mediation of humanity–should be understood as the power of the Holy Spirit working through those who follow Him. In John 14:12, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these…” What are these greater works? They are works that God performs through those who align with His will, plan, mission, and desire. These works are not things done through the power of man–nor are they works done for one’s own personal gain. They are functions done for the glory and mission of God. In Scripture, spiritual giftings and miracles were always evangelistic tools to expand the kingdom of God and accomplish His mission (for example, in Acts 2). These supernatural happenings are neither acts conjured up through magical incantation nor are they powers for one’s own personal glory. All that God does is done for one ultimate reason: for the glory of His name.

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